Ask your Members of Congress to Support NETPR Program
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Once again, the Parkinson's community is working to secure funding for the Department of Defense Neurotoxin Exposure Treatment Parkinson's Research (NETPR) program. The NETPR program is national, peer-reviewed granting program that examines how to best protect our military personnel from toxic substances, head injury, and other known contributors to Parkinson's disease. In addition to helping protect our soldiers, research breakthroughs in prevention, detection, and treatment are immediately applied to the broader Parkinson's disease community.
Parkinson's advocates and the Bicameral Congressional Caucus on Parkinson's Disease lead the effort to fund the NETPR program in the Defense Appropriations bill. The NETPR program is a Congressional add-on program, meaning this special program is added by Congress each year. With help from our Congressional champions, we secure support for the program by asking Members of Congress to sign a Dear Colleague letter that requests funding for the NETPR program in the Defense Appropriations bill.Last year, thanks to the outstanding advocacy efforts of the Parkinson's community, we secured $25 million for the only Parkinson's-specific granting program in the Federal government. This year, help our community secure $55 million for the NETPR program by e-mailing your Members of Congress today and asking them to sign the NETPR program Dear Colleague funding letter.
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